Terms of Use of Lookup Mainframe Software
This page describes the terms and conditions of your use of Lookup Mainframe Software. You need to know these when you use our website, link to
it from other websites, or visit other websites using links on our website. When you access, rely on, or otherwise use our website, you acknowledge
that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. You also agree to abide by any applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with these terms and
conditions, please do not use, or link to, our website.
About Our Website
Lookup Mainframe Software is prepared in accordance with the laws of the State of Western Australia, and the Commonwealth of Australia.
Although we make every attempt, this website may not comply with laws, regulations and requirements of other states and countries.
Your use of this website, and any disputes arising from this use, are subject to the laws and juristiction of Western Australia, and if applicable, the
laws and juristiction of the Commonwealth of Australia.
We make every attempt to ensure the accuracy of information on our website. However this information, including software categories, software status,
and software and vendor descriptions, are solely the opinions of Lookup Mainframe Software. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of any other person or
organization. Similarly, vendor comments are solely the opinions of the respective vendors.
We do not guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of any
information on this website. We recommend that all information be verified from relevant software vendors or other sources. Where possible,
we provide links to the relevant vendor.
This website includes links to websites from other software vendors, companies, and organizations. We do not guarantee the accuracy or validity of these
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Lookup Mainframe Software will endevour to minimize any disruption from technical difficulties or issues. However we do not guarantee the availability
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Copyright and Trademarks
The material on this website, other than content from vendors, is subject to copyright by
Longpela Expertise, the company behind
Lookup Mainframe Software. You are welcome to link to pages on this site.
However other than for the purposes and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), you must not reproduce,
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You must not commercialise (in any form or by any means) any information in this website without our prior written consent.
Software products referred to in our website may be trade marks of their respective vendors.
Other Notices
Some of the vendors in this website may be current or past clients of Longpela Expertise. Consultants at Longpela Expertise may currently be,
or in the past have been, involved in the development or support of some of the software products mentioned in this website.