Backup Microsoft Windows and UNIX servers, including z/Linux and z/OS UNIX Systems Services (USS), to mainframe disk or tape. Can backup at file level, and supports popular email and database products such as DB2, Microsoft Exchange and Oracle. Backups can be initiated and controlled from the mainframe. Supports ESCON, FICON, SCSI and Fiber attachments. z/Linux systems can also use Hipersockets. z/OS UNIX Systems Services systems use internal z/OS facilities.
Also includes standalone recovery (SAR) feature to allow Microsoft Windows machines to restore files without a connected mainframe.
First released 1993. Acquired by Compuware from its acquisitiion of Innovation Data Processing in 2020, and then by BMC from its acquisition of Compuware in 2020 and renamed to BMC AMI Storage Upstream for z/OS Server.
Entry last updated: 07-Sep-2024