Mainframe Software List

mainframe software beginning with "B"

Previous or other software names

 Other NameSoftwareVendor
Backup and Recovery ManagerMainstar ABARS ManagerRocket Software
Backup and Recovery Solution for IMSBMC AMI Backup and Recovery for IMSBMC
Backup and Restore ManagerBackup and Restore Manager for z/VMIBM
Bank Communication SystemKeystone BCSKeystone Computer Associates
Barr EOMNSI Output ManagerNotable Solutions
Barr EPSBarr Enterprise Print ServerBarr Systems
Barr/Channel for SNA ServerBarr/ChannelBarr Systems
Barr/Sync for SNA ServerBarr/SyncBarr Systems
BASE24-esBASE24-epsACI Payment Systems
Basic Tape Library SupportBTLSIBM
Batch FacilityVM Batch FacilityIBM
Batch Impact ManagerControl-M Batch Impact ManagerBMC
Batch MagicVision TapeIntelliMagic
Batch OptimizerBMC AMI Batch OptimizerBMC
BatchBridgeBatch BridgeRocket Software
BEA eLink AdaptersOracle Tuxedo Mainframe AdaptersOracle
Beta 39_beta doc|z transformBeta Systems
Beta 41Batch BridgeRocket Software
Beta 42Workload SchedulerRocket Software
Beta 44Workload PlannerRocket Software
Beta 45Workload AnalyzerRocket Software
Beta 55 Storage Optimization ManagerGFS/SOMGFS Software
Beta 88 Administrator_beta access adminBeta Systems
Beta 88 Auditor_beta access auditBeta Systems
Beta 88 Web Helpdesk_beta access easyBeta Systems
Beta 88 zSecurity Administrator_beta access adminBeta Systems
Beta 88 zSecurity Auditor_beta access auditBeta Systems
Beta 88 zSecurity Helpdesk_beta access easyBeta Systems
Beta 89 Monitor_beta access monitorBeta Systems
Beta 89 zSecurity Monitor_beta access monitorBeta Systems
Beta 91 Automated Balancing and Quality ManagerBeta CheckZBeta Systems
Beta 91 Data Quality ManagementBeta CheckZBeta Systems
Beta 92 Enterprise Output ManagerBeta LogZBeta Systems
Beta 92 Log ManagementBeta LogZBeta Systems
Beta 93 Document ManagerBeta DocZBeta Systems
Beta 93 Document Transformer_beta doc|z transformBeta Systems
Beta 93 Fast Retrieval_beta doc|z plusBeta Systems
Beta 93 Output Management & ArchiveBeta DocZBeta Systems
Beta 97_beta doc|z plusBeta Systems
Blockade ManageID SelfServSecurForce SelfServBeta Systems
Blockade ManageID SyncServSecurForce SyncServBeta Systems
Blockade Synchronization ServicesSecurForce SyncServBeta Systems
BlueZoneRocket Terminal EmulatorRocket Software
BlueZone HostFrontHostFrontRocket Software
BlueZone Mainframe DisplayRocket Terminal EmulatorRocket Software
BMC AMI Application Restart and VSAM RecoveryBMC AMI Application Restart and VSAM RecoveryBMC
BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OSBMC AMI Ops MonitoringBMC
BMC Application Transaction TracingMainview Middleware MonitorBMC
BMC Capacity Management for MainframesBMC AMI Capacity ManagementBMC
BMC CMF MonitorBMC AMI Ops Monitor for CMFBMC
BMC Control-M Workload Automation JCL VerifyControl-M JCL VerifyBMC
BMC Data Accelerator CompressionBMC Data AcceleratorBMC
BMC Discovery for z/OSBMC Helix DiscoveryBMC
BMC Intelligent CappingBMC AMI Ops Automation for CappingBMC
BMC JCL VerifyControl-M JCL VerifyBMC
BMC Middleware MonitoringBMC Middleware MonitoringBMC
BMC Recovery for IMSBMC AMI Backup and Recovery for IMSBMC
BookManager BookServerLibrary ServerIBM
BPFBarcode Print FacilitySound Software Printing
Breeze for Software Configuration and Library ManagerBreeze for SCLMIBM
Bridge 2000ASG-BridgeASG Technologies
Brightstor CA VantageVantage Storage IntelligenceBroadcom
BRMMainstar ABARS ManagerRocket Software
BrxPU2.1 SNA ServerBrixton PU2.1 SNA ServerAlebra Technologies
BundlCA BundlBroadcom
Business MonitorIBM Business MonitorIBM
BZ Access ServerBlueZone Access ServerRocket Software